Just when I was about to give up on blogging because I thought our life was too boring, something exciting happens to stir things up. Unfortunately it wasn't good exciting, but quite the opposite. Warning: You will see some gross pictures so if you don't like gore, gross things or blood, don't continue reading... :)
It all started last night, unlikely enough, as we were about to go to bed. I was in the bathroom taking off my makeup and my sweet Jon was making the bed up so we could turn in for the night. I heard a crash and ran into our room. Jon had flipped the sheet up and it caught on our light fixture above our bed. He then pulled the sheet down which broke the glass and then that proceeded to fall on top of him, cutting his arm. As he tells it, there was then a ninja riding a horse, riding a dinosaur that came in trying to attack and he was actually cut in the process of defending my honor but I don't remember that part. It's funny how people remember things differently.
Well anyway, when I walked in the room I saw this
Jon was very tough! He said it didn't even hurt but I was a wreck. He wasn't crying but I was haha. I can only imagine how I would have reacted if it had of been my kid! But anyway, my first aid certification kicked in and told me to have him apply pressure and get him to the Dr. so that is what we did. I took him to the Emergency room because that is the only place that can help you with this kind of thing at 11:00 pm. We were at the hospital until around 1:45 AM even though it was slow. He even got a cool wristband thing.
The Doctor (who was also named Jon), was very friendly and told us we did the right thing coming to the hospital because the glass had actually cut through Jon's muscle. Plus this way it's way less likely to get infected. Then the Dr. checked for any remaining glass but wasn't positive he got it all so he also had an Xray which turned out clean. Jon got 1 stitch on the inside to repair the muscle and then 5 to close the skin. They fixed him up nice and pretty!
He got a sweet purple bandage and everything was ok
We discovered that even with insurance our copay was still $200! How do people afford to get sick?
And then we went home to clean up all of the broken glass and found the piece that stabbed my hubby!
And we cleaned up all the glass and went to bed.